Blog Post 6

The Great Depression left the United States tore up from the floor up. That being said the United States developed the isolationist policy. This was that the United States wanted to stay out of conflict especially in Europe. Having done that they also needed to decrease the deficit due to the depression so they had to trade with other countries. The United states also couldn’t just stand down from countries so they introduced the Lend Lease Act which allowed them to give to countries so that the United States wouldn’t be in “danger”. Also, keeping out of the war gave the Japanese an idea to expand. By invading China and trying to control the Pacific the Japanese were Testing the Waters. When the attack of Pearl Harbor occurred was the breaking point to where the us had to get involved.

Blog Post 5

That statement is false but to a certain point. From 1932 – 1940 Franklin Delano Roosevelt did incorporate many programs to aid America by benefiting laboerers and the farmers. Essentially he cleaned up the mess that was left by the Republicans from 1920- 1232. Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the Agriculture Adjustment Agency (AAA) this provided money to valuable farms so that they wouldn’t foreclose, also it regulating farming. Next came programs the the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and this provided labor. Young men were able to live at government camps, be fed, and paid for building public projects like: bridges, building, roads, parks things that are still used till this day. By creating this program Franklin Delano Roosevelt was able to lower unemployment and urge workers to help their families by sending the money. The mess that was left was by Hoover because “money was lent generously to farm organizations seeking to buy,sell,and store agricultural surpluses”(Book 756). People this is that huge raising of the deficit Hoover is carelessly spending money on these organizations when he then launches the Hawley-Smoot Tarrif of 1930.  This is probably if not the largest Tarrif in American history he’s basically stoping the flow of trade. So we now have all these crops but nobody to give it to which is now laying to rot as overproduction. Also Hoover fails to do his job because ” prices on the stock exchange continued to spiral upward and create fools paradise of paper profits, despite Hoover’s early but fruitless efforts to curb speculation through the Federal Reserve Board” means he didn’t succeed in the goal which is to benefit America. Shortly after this the stock market crashed and America was flushed down the drain into depression.

Blog Post 4

The federal government was totally the reason why America was screwed up. And you can’t help to blame the American people for electing such idiotic presidents. Clearly if you spend money you don’t have you’ll eventually get buirred in that hole you dug. For instance, credit and installment plans were terrible because it destroyed the idea that money was backed by gold. Also when you have corrupt corporations and new people gambling in the stock market it’s immature and the federal government should’ve regulated it or closed it down. If the federal government truly cared about America they would’ve solved the problem instead of stepping aside, having the president give false hope to the Americans saying “the requirements of existence have passed beyond the standard of necessity into the region of luxury….. The country can regard the present with satisfaction and anticipate the future with optimism” (Calvin Coolidge last annual message to congress Document B). Another reoccurring problem with the federal government is the government bail out. They gave money to banks and companies to try to stimulate the economy. They created the same mistake the American people did and used money they don’t have! That money came from our pockets and other countries and today it comes from China creating like a 1.4 trillion deficit. In conclusion the federal government caused the great depression because they allowed gambling in wall street, consumer debt to accumulate, prohibition, and they bailed out using money they don’t have.

Blog Post#3

Many Americans believed in creation versus evolution in the beginning, However, nobody knew for certain. When evolution was taught in school it was just competing theories of human origins. That only lasted when it was brought to a serious trial is when it transformed into the shape of deeper concerns about religion. Before the introduction of evolution the belief of creation was drilled into everybody’s mind. Therefore, if something is changed up from what you truly believe it causes chaos making it a clash between religion and science.

Blog Post# 2

According to the history books and everything it claims that the United States was “neutral”. We all know that the United States wasn’t totally neutral during World War I. The United States totally favored the allies because they supplied them. They brought them materials for weapons even some troops. And I think that’s why Germany kept bombing merchant ships and kept practicing restricted submarine warfare. During World War I it was inevitable for the United States to stay out. Americans were being killed with every ship that entered the waters that were going overseas. Germans were imperializing and causing great havoc in Europe. Also the American economy was going down the drain. The only possible option to help was to put all attention on military services and enter the war. If we hadn’t gotten involved in the war Germany would’ve overpowered many more countries and then we would’ve probably been fighting on our own soil. Also the United States had to get involved because we are kind of known as the police of the world. 

Blog Post 1: Teddy and the Progressives

Progressives believed in strong government action to tackle social and economic problems because private companies were consumed in greed. These companies wouldn’t help the working man. They neglected to give safety aid, workman’s compensation, and time off. This approach differed from traditional American voluntary solitons to social problems because it was  direct government involvement. Things weren’t changing for the good so the only way to help the working class was direct government control instead of working around to resolve a problem.

Progressive Era Background Essay


During the last decade of the Nineteenth century, immigration began to pick up in the United States. Most came from Europe, but it wasn’t uncommon to see immigrants from other countries such as China. They usually came in thousands because they wanted to stay with their families, and in most cases, it was cheaper to travel in groups.


Throughout the Progressive Era, immigration was common trend. Most immigrants came from other countries in hope of finding their wealth. In reality, this rarely happened. Despite the poor outcomes, every decade more and more immigrants came to America. Most common of the foreigners were French Canadians and the Irish. These people were what mostly made up the work force of the factory industry.


During the Progressive Era, the flu epidemic took a large toll on the population. Deaths in men were higher than those in women; however, death rates reached the highest they had ever been in years. A possible reason for this occurrence could be that the poor living and working conditions of the time made the spread of disease ideal. Although, new medicines and vaccines reduced the number of infected and lowered the death caused by influenza or phenomena.


The influenza epidemic of the early 1900’s took a large toll on the population. At first, population was booming. Due to incoming immigrants and higher birthrates, it is not surprising that a sickness swept in. Since living conditions were poor, and not many could afford to visit hospitals or doctors, many people were soon infected. And many people died, as this graph shows.

Progressive Era Blog Post



From 1870-1930 people had to wear masks to protect them from disease because it was. Family, neighbors, and even animals carried this disease. This was important because during the progressive movement many people died. 


In this photo 2 nurses carried a man dated back to the 1900′s. He was infected and was one of many that died and were extremely sick at the time. 

1918 flu epidemic

Above is a chart of accountable deaths of Native Americans from influenza during the progressive movement from October 1st, 1918 to June 1919. This not only showed what sicknesses there were but also how new diseases were easily spread to people of origin that Native Americans have never encountered. 


From September 14th to October 18, 3075 people in Boston, Massachusetts died as a result of the Spanish influenza. Even though the number of deaths was a relatively small amount, many more people could have contracted the flu from disposing the bodies.


Above is a picture of Asian immigrants. This showed that due to the need of more workers and the need for prosperity, Oriental people were eager and happy to get a job where ever they could. This just happened to be in Georgetown, Colorado.